
Cedarville University's Master of Medical Science in PA (Physician Assistant) Studies program is a great place for you to achieve your professional goal to practice as a licensed PA 和 serve the Lord with your unique skill set. 您将开发 关键 专业能力 在你努力实现计划的过程中 学习成果 that will equip you as a highly skilled, Christ-honoring medical practitioner. 衡量学生成功的标准是 很多方面都反映在 PANCE通过率 和程序 attrition. 该计划的高标准定义在我们的 项目的目标 并受到坚强的鼓舞 missionvision.


Driven by a submission to 和 passion 为神的道,和耶稣基督的见证, the Cedarville University PA程序 equips Christ-following graduates through academic excellence, 专业的区别, 和 intentional discipleship to practice medicine to meet the needs of those in their communities.

该计划整合了大学的核心价值观(对上帝的爱), 对他人的爱, 行为正直, 和 excellence in effort) 和 strives to develop in its graduates the 关键 markers of excellence (glorifying God, 思维开阔而深入, 有效地沟通, 发展学术和专业, 并为基督而献身).

总之,我们的使命是 装备和训练下一代基督教私人助理.


To be the school of choice for Christian students desiring a biblically informed 和 academically excellent PA program that will equip them to compassionately serve those in need physically, 精神上, 在情感上, 和 spiritually to the glory of God 和 for the testimony of Jesus Christ.


完成PA课程后, students will have formed a sound biblical worldview 和 acquired the medical knowledge, 人际关系技巧, 具有临床推理和解决问题的能力, 临床和技术技能, 以及职业行为 进入私人助理执业所需,详情如下:



  • Integrate the concepts 和 principles of a Christian biblical worldview with the practice of medicine. (巴解组织1)


  • 申请和合并医疗, 行为, 和 psychosocial concepts 和 principles necessary to evaluate 和 manage patient’s health across all age ranges 和 cultures. (巴解组织2)


  • Obtain an accurate 和 relevant medical history using effective communication 和 人际关系技巧 that support open dialogue 和 mutual respect. (巴解组织3)
  • 以书面形式准确传达临床结果, 数字, 并将口头形式简洁地传达给医疗团队的所有成员. (巴解组织10)
  • 提供准确的病人教育,包括口头教育, 非语言的, 以及给病人的书面信息, 他们的家庭, 和他们的护理团队一起促进疾病预防和健康意识. (巴解组织11)


  • Formulate an appropriate differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter. (巴解组织5)
  • Order 和 interpret appropriate diagnostic studies to assist in the evaluation 和 treatment of the patient. (巴解组织6)
  • Develop 和 implement an appropriate therapeutic management plan involving pharmacological 和 non-pharmacological options. (巴解组织7)
  • 使用循证方法做出明智的临床决策. (巴解组织9)


  • Obtain an accurate 和 relevant medical history using effective communication 和 人际关系技巧 that support open dialogue 和 mutual respect. (巴解组织3)
  • 根据病史进行适当的体格检查. (巴解组织4)
  • 安全有效地执行临床程序. (巴解组织8)


  • Demonstrate professional 和 ethical behaviors consistent with the PA profession 和 Christian faith. (巴解组织12)






  • 平均队列资格和先决条件gpa等于或高于3.5 
  • 平均病人护理经验小时在2000小时或以上
  • 流失率低于或等于每组2名学生

提供全面的, 高质量的, didactic 和 clinical education to fully prepare graduates for entry-level clinical practice.


  • Summative Evaluation: 90% of students pass all components of the summative exams on the first attempt.
  • Graduate Survey: 90% of recent graduates agree or strongly agree that the PA program prepared them for clinical practice.
  • PANCE成绩:95%的毕业生将通过PANCE第一次尝试.
  • Employment Rate: 95% of graduates seeking employment will be employed as PAs within six months of graduation.

Develop individuals who integrate biblical principles throughout their work as healthcare providers.


  • Student Program Exit Survey: 90% of graduates will agree or strongly agree that the program prepared them to integrate biblical principles 和 worldview into their role as a PA.



  • Student Program Exit Survey: 90% of graduates will report the program prepared them well to serve others in need.


Another important metric that is associated with our first goal but is also helpful for evaluating 和 comparing programs is student attrition. The following table outlines the student numbers we plan to report for our program.

损耗率* *   

*Graduation Rate: number of cohort graduates divided by the entering class size
**Attrition Rate: number of students who have attritted (either by dismissal, 减速, 或退出)除以进入班级的人数

Note: data will be updated annually no later than April 1 as each cohort graduates from the program.


Students who successfully complete the Master of Medical Science in PA studies program are eligible to become certified through the Physician Assistant National Certification Exam (PANCE). 下面的信息概述了我们的毕业生的成功 passing the PANCE exam to become certified PAs after graduating from the program.

NCCPA PANCE Exam Performance Summary Report (last five years) First Time Exam Takers


Note: information in this table will be updated annually no later than April 1 as data becomes available. A link will be posted to the annual PANCE report provided by NCCPA starting in 2025 after our first graduates complete the exam.


Eligibility to practice as a PA is determined by the state law in which you intend to practice.  这至少需要两者兼而有之 国家认证 (by successfully passing the Physician Assistant National Certification Exam (PANCE) provided through the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA)) 和 graduation from a program accredited by the 认证 Review Commissions on PA Education (ARC-PA). 有关更多详细信息,请参阅 每个州的执照要求 美国执业医师学会(AAPA).

沙巴体育PA项目申请 认证 from the ARC-PA 和 students successfully completing this program are eligible to sit for the PANCE.

完成 CU PA计划 也符合 the requirements for initial licensure in the state of Ohio but cannot confirm that it will meet all the licensure requirements for practice in other states as they vary between states 和 change without notice. 学生计划在户外练习 of Ohio should investigate the requirements through the state licensing body for those states.